Curly Whirly Thing Timber and Resene $1300 Telescope to the Stars $1500 ‘The Family’ Timber and resene paint $3500 ‘Shag’ Timber and resene paint $300 Angel Sold ‘After Jacko’ NZ Totara and Pohutukawa $550 ‘Wing’ Timber and Resene paint $950 ‘Garden Chair’ Recycled timber $300 ‘The Face’ Concrete $3500 ‘The Angel has Landed’ Hardwood and NZ Kauri $550 Torso 2 NZ Kauri $650‘The Eye’ Hinuera Stone $350 ‘Topknot’ Hinuera Stone $650‘Licorice Allsorts’ Timber and Resene $20 Each ‘Wing’ Timber and Resene $950 ‘Dancer’ NZ Kauri $450 ‘Figure 1’ NZ Kauri $550 ‘Lace Sword’ NZ Manuka $450 ‘Chicken Lickin’ SoldPortraits Oil on Canvas 400 x300mm $300 each. Commissions welcome Sold